

Ord. 1513 - Utilities Billing Procedure Update.03.07.23
Ord. 1514 - Glandorf Elem Zoning Change.02.07.23
Ord. 1515 - O-G Schools (O-G Rd) Zoning Change.06.06.23
Ord. 1516 - Lifewise Bldg Zoning Change.09.05.23
Ord. 1517 - Brooky's US 224 South Side Zoning Change.09.05.23
Ord. 1518 - Personnel Manual Update.09.05.23
Ord. 1519 - Medical Marijuana Prohibition.10.03.23
Ord. 1520 - Brooky's US 224 North Side Zoning Change.11.08.23
Ord. 1521 - Transfer OG Rd Waterline to Ottawa.12.28.23
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Village of Glandorf

(419) 538-6953

Utilities - ext 1
Fiscal Officer/Tax Dept - ext 2
Mayor - ext 3

(419) 538-7290

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